League Constitution
This sets forth the administrative considerations, procedural guidelines, and other subjects pertinent to the enjoyment of the Fantasy Football League.
Article 1: Purpose of The League
The League is designed to be fun. There is a monetary component, but overall this is meant to be a league for everyone to enjoy. Within the confines of fairness and equity, all decisions and rulings will be made with this overriding idea.
Article 2: Structure of The League
Our League is a 12-team, head-to-head fantasy football league. Members, outside of permanent members to the League, will be decided upon by the Council by July 1st every year prior to the coming fantasy football season. After deciding upon prospective members, the Commissioner will send out invitations for the league, with all members needing to be set by August 1st. If members are not set, the Commissioner will be responsible for additional members to fill 12 teams. The League will run from Week 1 of the NFL Season to Week 13 of the NFL Season, with the League’s Playoff’s beginning in Week 14 of the NFL Season and the League’s Championship being played during Week 16 of the NFL Season.
Article 3: Draft
The League will have teams select players by way of a 12-team auction draft. Each team will be awarded $200 (+10) in fantasy money. Any dollars remaining at the end of the draft will be awarded to the team in their free agency budget. The order of selection of players nominated for auction will be based on reverse order of standings from the prior season. New members to the league will be placed in the remaining nomination spots in order that they sign up for the league.
Article 4: League Fees
All teams will be required to pay a standard fee for the League. The Chart below will set the scale that determine amount paid by each member. Payouts will be awarded as follows (with X being the fee paid by an individual member):
Winner of the League: 10X
Loser in the Championship Matchup: X
Winner of 3rd Place and 4th Place Matchup: 2/3X
Winner of Consolation Bracket: 1/3X
2013: $45 for League entry (+$5)
2014: $45 for League entry (+$5)
2015: $60 for League entry (+$10)
2016: $60 for League entry (+$10)
2017: $90 for League entry (+$15)
Article 5: Scoring and Changes to Scoring
Scoring will be determined on a year-to-year basis by the League Commissioner, with all changes to the League from the previous year being announced to members of the League three times prior to the draft. Any changes are subject to review by members of the League, and can be overturned to previous year’s status by a majority vote after August 1st but prior to the League’s draft. All scoring changes to the League after the Draft (until the beginning of the playoffs) can only be approved by a unanimous vote.
Article 6: Free Agency Process and Budgets
All player not purchased during auction will be placed in the free agency pool. Teams will have the chance to purchase players by way of an auction, which will occur on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday every week. At 11am on each date listed, prior bids by each team, drawing upon their free agency budget, will be tallied and the team with the highest bid will be awarded that player. If there is a tie for the highest bid, the player will be awarded to the team lower in the standings. Players can also be purchased for $0 if no other team places a bid on that player. FA budgets will be set at (fantasy) $25 at the beginning of each season. FA dollars can be traded during the season. As for ways to get more FA dollars, an Amendment will be made to determine the best way to award FA dollars during the season.
Article 7: Structure of Playoffs
The highest rated team in each division shall be granted a BYE in the first week of the Fantasy Playoffs (Week 13 of the NFL Season). Subsequent weeks will be based upon the bracket, which arranges teams by record and total points.
Article 8: Week-to-Week Matchup
Weekly Matchups will be decided by the team that scores more points. If points are tied, then the bench points will be used to break the tie. If a tie still exists, then the QB’s points will be compared to determine the winner. If a tie still exists, then the D/ST’s points will be compared to determine the winner. If a tie still exists, the teams’ TEs will be compared to break the tie. If a tie still exists, the teams’ starting RBs will be compared to break the tie. If a tie still exists, the tie will go to the home team.
Article 9: Permanent Members and Council
Permanent members of the league are Jon Finn, Matt Heintz, Stephen Gomez, Kyle Aikens, and Brett Goldman. New members who wish to be added to the permanent members (who wish to be nominated for the THE LEAGUE Council and opt-in to all future incarnations of the League) can email the Commissioner and will be voted on by the league Council. The league Council will be comprised of three members and the Deputy Commissioner. Prior to the draft, the Commissioner will select the members of the Council (along with the Deputy Commissioner, the fourth member), but a challenge can be brought by the remaining members of the League. If a challenge is brought by a majority of non-permanent members, a new candidate can be presented to serve on the council, winning the spot with more than 50% of the vote of the entire league. The Inaugural Council is Brett Goldman, Matt Heintz, and Kyle Aikens, with Jon Finn as Deputy Commissioner. Responsibilities include reviewing all rulings by Commissioner regarding trades, reviewing all trades made by Commissioner (though if a Council member is involved with the Commissioner, remaining members will approve or disapprove the trade), frequent posting on the message board, suggesting changes to the league, and overall administration of the league. A 3/4 ruling by the Council overrules any action by the Commissioner.
Article 10: The League Commissioner
The League Commissioner shall be decided by a vote at the end of the fantasy season by a vote (simply needing to win a plurality of the vote). The Commissioner will be responsible for creating the league, setting the scoring, choosing the Council, selecting a Deputy Commissioner, setting up a date and time for the auction draft, selecting members to be expelled from the league, selecting new members for the league, setting the schedule, setting the playoffs, correcting any problems that may arise during matchups, administering extra/bonus money selecting polls on a weekly basis, setting up the election for the next year’s Commissioner and all other duties needed to run the League. A Commissioner can be impeached by a vote of no-confidence, which requires 2/3’s of the members of the league to vote against him (an email can be sent to the Deputy Commissioner who will arrange the vote). If 2/3 or more of the league vote against the Commissioner, the Commissioner will be removed, the Deputy Commissioner will be made Commissioner, and the open Council spot will be awarded to the team with the most points (that is not the impeached Commissioner and already on the Council). Stephen Gomez is the Commissioner for the remainder of the season, and a new vote will be held at the end of the season.
Amendment 1: This Constitution shall go into effect with a 2/3 vote by members of the League.
Amendment 2: Commissioner has power to overrule any roster move, subject to review by council.
Amendment 3: On all actions not involving the Deputy Commissioner and Commissioner as primary parties, both shall have a vote on all actions requiring a council vote.
Amendment 4: The Council for 2013 (and until further notice, or I am no longer Commissioner) is Brett, Kyle, Matt, and Jon as Deputy Commissioner.
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